Online Shopping Scams

Protect yourself from Online Shopping Scams

Criminals create fake online stores that mimic the look of real sites or use the names of well-known stores or brands. When you search for the best online deals, you may find yourself at one of these fake sites. By purchasing from such websites, you can end up with counterfeit or stolen items, or your purchases might never be delivered.

Beware of scammers on legitimate websites.
Additionally, large, online stores often offer products sold by different individuals or companies that might have fraudulent intentions. Everybody loves a great deal, but shocking offers, unbelievable discounts, and unreal rates may signal that the offer isn’t quite what it seems.

Watch out for fake advertisements posing as legitimate brands.
Fraudsters recognize that consumers spend a lot of time on social media and will post ads for free trials, or discounted merchandise. They may also use the names and photos of well-known individuals or companies to fake endorsements of their products.